A journey, continuation

Profectus Chamber Choir


Est. 2012


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Where do my donations go?

Donations to our group go to fund many different needs. If you'd like your donation to apply to one or two in particular, please feel free to leave a comment on your donation! 


Donations help fund:


Short-Term Goals

  • Recording: Purchase professional-quality recording equipment and/or recording studio time in order to produce CD’s for sale and to help continue our self-funding in the long term.
  • Promotion and Marketing: Despite the high caliber of music Profectus provides, attendance at performances fluctuates widely; it is believed that funding for promotional & marketing materials would expand our concert attendee numbers and, again, help promote self-funding via increased donations at performances.
  • Board Member Stipend: Since the 2014 performance season, Profectus has utilized a voluntary Board of Directors. The Group would like to offer a stipend to its Board in exchange for the countless hours it gives to driving the success of the Group.
  • Group Member Stipend: Just like Profectus’ Board members, its singers participate completely voluntarily. The Group’s Board would like to offer a stipend to the Group’s members for their dedication and loyalty, even if only a small amount, in recognition of their efforts.
  • Performance Venues: To date, all performances venues have been donated to the Group. The Board would like the ability to perform in more advanced, acoustically- and aesthetically-pleasing venues in order to increase the enjoyment of both the audiences and the performers. 
  • Sheet Music: Musical scores are typically composed by talented, everyday folks who rely on the purchase of their composed songs in exchange for their efforts and talents. Unfortunately, sheet music can be expensive, and having funds to offset these costs would help Profectus continue purchasing original copies of sheet music and keep composers composing. 


Mid-Term Goals

  • Professional Development: Many successful choral groups are involved with various choral- specific organizations, such as the American Choral Directors Association, in order to network with fellow choral groups and directors, promote themselves, and stay on top of the latest trends and choral works. Membership in such organizations typically requires an annual fee.
  • Commissioning Music: While there are numerous choral pieces available for purchase through various music houses, commissioning choir-specific musical pieces is wonderful opportunity for a group to draw in audiences through the ability to promote world premieres of new pieces by renowned composers. 
  • Community Choir/Community Sing: As mentioned, Profectus is a high-level, audition-only group deigned to provide the highest level of music to its audiences. As a longer-term goal, Profectus would like to establish a supplementary community choir, open to the population at large (no audition required), in order to give even more community members the opportunity to perform in a choral setting. This would require additional staff to conduct, program concerts, etc.


Long-Term Goals

  • Scholarships/Endowment: Profectus Chamber Choir is proud of its numerous members, many of whom are currently in college or university and pursuing musical degrees and careers. The Profectus Board of Directors would be honored to provide educational scholarships to promising members in support of their educational aspirations. 
  • Hosting Festivals: A great way for choirs to spread their name and to attract talent for future seasons is through hosting of choral festivals. These typically entail a number of choirs participating and singing for one another, along with inter-group networking/bonding activities.
  • Instrumental Accompaniment: To date, most Profectus concerts/songs have been sung a cappella, meaning with no instrumental accompaniment. While this will continue to be Profectus’ primary performance modality, the addition of instrumental accompaniment would serve to provide a much richer musical experience, both for audiences as well as for performers.
  • Intern Conductors: As part of Profectus’ goal of expanding the choral experience into the community at large, the Group would like to offer the opportunity for less-experienced conductors to intern and to learn from its existing, highly experienced conductors. 
  • Tours: While certainly a longer-term goal, touring is a great opportunity for many professional choirs. Profectus would be thrilled to offer such an experience to its talented and dedicated members, allowing for additional collaboration and networking with choirs outside its geographic region.
  • Caroling Outfits: Profectus has an offshoot group called the Profectus Carolers who perform and carol at professional holiday parties. To date, the Profectus Carolers have simply utilized their own personal outfits at such gigs. However, having Dickens-style outfits would increase the Group’s marketability and thus help continue Profectus’ self-sustaining goals for the long-term.
  • Spring/Summer Season Outfits: As with the Profectus Carolers, the Profectus Chamber Choir’s members provide their own outfits. Ideally, Profectus would be able to purchase outfits for its members, which could be reused from season to season, in order to provide a more professional and uniform appearance during performances.